Friday, May 1, 2009

About Me & This Blog

I'm a 43-year-old woman who has spent the majority of her life working in the field of gangs. The best and worst eight years of my life were when I was providing direct services to gang members in a program and on the street in my late 20s and early 30s.

I realized this year that some of my stories are slipping away and that the details were getting fuzzy. I like these stories, they made me the person I am today, and I didn't want to lose them. So, I decided to write them down here.

I wanted to remember the person I used to be. And, the stories of my kids deserve to be told. I want people to know about their lives.

The basic facts about me are as follows: I'm a divorced mom with two kids, a daughter aged 15, and a son who is 11. I still work in the same field I've worked in for the past 19 years, but now I don't work directly with kids anymore.

I never set out to work with gangs for a living. It just kind of happened.

More about me:


Anyway, these are the stories. Most of them date from 1994 - 1999. In case you wondered, the names & locations have been slightly altered to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent.


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